institute for sustainable communities

project overview
The Institute for Sustainable Communities is a nonprofit organization working to combat climate change by helping communities around the world. They are best known for bringing clean air and water to communities in need, implementing energy efficient measures, and rebuilding sustainably after disasters. I decided to create a potential rebrand for this organization to better present itself as a bridge between humanity and the environment. This is simply an ideated rebranding created for a school project.
original logo:
logo variations:
logo breakdown
The logo uses both graphic and typographic elements to create a combination mark. The graphic is an abstract representation of the fibonacci sequence. The fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence of numbers that often appear in nature. When applied to the logo, it represents the organization's efficiency in implementing math and science to solve environmental issues.

The varying colors of the squares represent different communities and cultures, while the analogous color and arrangement make them appear as working together. As the squares concentrate towards the center, two combine to form an "i",
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